Monday, March 7, 2011

How Khedrup-Je Became Entrusted with the Tooth-relic

At Gawa-dong, at the time when the Majestic Lord [Tsongkhapa] was granting prophecies, the Lord [Khedrup Je] asked, “Majestic Lord, how long do I have left to live on this earth?”

The Majestic Lord replied, “Your dying day is right now.”

As the Lord pondered his being bound to transmigrate to a different field, he had a vision of the protector Amitayus [Boundless Life] who gave him an auspicious omen about prolonging his life.

When he was informed of this, the Majestic Lord said, “This being the case, [I now remember that] at Chlung, I lost a tooth. If I give it to you publicly, Khedrup-pa, your death will be postponed until the tenth month of the Pig Year. You should guard it well. Indeed, after the passing of three hundred years, a pandita, one predicted by the deities, by the name of Dharma-raja, will ceremoniously invite this sacred object to Magadha and the Vajra Throne. Thereby, on this earth, the tooth will produce relic pills.”

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